Campus Student
Thursday 12/21/2023
***Please confirm your security email for Campus Parent or Campus Student***
Confirmation of this email is necessary in order to use the 'forgot username' or 'forgot password' links.
Click your account settings (person in top right corner). If you see only your account security email and a password, then you have already been confirmed (see screenshots below):
If you see, unconfirmed account security email, then please click the 'resend verification email' and go to the email on file to confirm (see screenshot below).
If you need further assistance or cannot log in to your Campus account to verify,
please call Data Services at (315) 493-5064.
Wednesday 02/24/2021
Here’s How To Sign Up
PARENT/GUARDIANS: To get an account created, please fill out the registration form and return to your child's school building or email a username of your choosing to Please allow 2-3 days for your account to be created. Log in with the username you requested and the temporary password: parentportal. During first log in, you will be prompted to create your own password.
**For assistance with accounts that are already created,
please contact the data administrator at (315) 493-5064 or**
STUDENTS: Creation of student account is automatic. For assistance with logging in, please contact the data administrator at (315) 493-5064 or
Thursday 04/18/2019
NEW Mobile Apps: Campus Parent and Campus Student
Parents & Students,
We are excited to inform you Infinite Campus has two new and improved mobile apps: Campus Parent (for parents) and Campus Student (for students). Download your free app for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and much more.
If you are using the old Infinite Campus app, please download the new app. The old app will be removed from the app store June 2019.